Tag: Urban Programs

Urban Wildlife Refuge Program Standards of Excellence (USFWS)

The future success of conservation lies ultimately in our ability to inspire Americans to connect with the outdoors and nature, and to become stewards of the environment. With more than 80% of Americans now living in urban areas, our challenge is to become relevant in their daily lives. Without public awareness and support, our conservation […]

Urban Wildlife Conservation Program

Jared Strawderman, Gorge Refuge Stewards Stewardship & Community Engagement Coordinator Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Complex Stevenson Sarah Williams Brown, USFWS Community Engagement Specialist Portland-Vancouver National Wildlife Refuges Washington

Urban Forestry Climate Change Response Framework

Leslie Brandt, USDA Forest Service Climate Change Specialist Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, Eastern Region and Northern Research Station, Minnesota         Additional resources:  Climate Change Response Framework US Climate Resilience Toolkit