Willamette Falls Locks Transfer and Section 106 Consultation
Tracy Schwartz, USACE Historian Portland District Oregon
Service First Agreements: Interagency Agreement Process
Learn the applications of a Service First Interagency MOU, Master Agreement and 7600B Interagency Agreement. Discover the difference in the roles and responsibilities between a Requesting Agency and a Servicing Agency. Familiarize yourself and your colleagues with commonly used terms for completing a Master Agreement, such as: Indirect Cost Rate/Overhead Assisted Acquisition Treasury Account […]
Philanthropic Foundations
Listen to this video as a podcast. Private foundations contribute to the public good through their time, talent and treasure. But what exactly is a foundation, and how can a government agency work with them? Discussion Questions: What are the three kinds of nonprofits, as designated under the IRS tax code? What distinguishes a private […]
Strategic Planning Process and Action
Strategic plans are used to guide the decision-making and actions of an agency or organization, a project or program and a partnership or partnership network. Strategic plans are a tool used to advance the mission, vision and values of an organization, program or partnership, adapt to changing circumstances and determine the people, infrastructure and resources […]
A Peek Into the Life of A Grants Management Specialist
Betsy Koncerak, USDA Forest Service Grants Management Specialist Pacific Northwest Region Malheur National Forest Oregon
Dynamic Approach to Sustainable Recreation Strategy Development
Donna Mattson, USDA Forest Service Partnerships Team Supervisor Washington Office, Enterprise Program Oregon
Partnership Ethics
As federal employees interact with colleagues from local and state agencies, nonprofits and businesses, an act of kindness from representatives of these sectors could be an ethics or criminal conflict of interest violation for a federal employee. Collectively, federal ethics regulations, conflict of interest laws and specific employee conduct statutes establish a code of conduct […]
Pine Rockland Conservation Business Plan: It Takes a Community
Kevin Kalasz, USFWS Coastal Program South Florida/Everglades Program Manager Florida
Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee: A Case Study of More Than 50 Years of Federal Partnership
David Diamond Executive Coordinator Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee Montana Additional resource: Take an Epic Journey with the Elk of Yellowstone, 30 min National Geographic Society video
New Mexico Unit of the Central Arizona Project: An Arranged Marriage
Mary Reece, USBR Manager, Program Development Division Arizona