Engagement Wayfinder, USFWS
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Engagement Wayfinder is an orientation to public engagement. Public engagement enables the government to incorporate public concerns, needs, and values into projects and decisions. It is sometimes used interchangeably with other terms like public participation, stakeholder engagement, and community engagement. Central to all of these terms is the idea […]
Collaboration in NEPA Handbook: A Handbook for NEPA Practitioners
One of the primary goals of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is to encourage meaningful public input and involvement in the process of evaluating the environmental impacts of proposed federal actions. This once innovative feature of the 1970 landmark legislation has become routine practice for some NEPA review processes. However, the full potential for […]
A Second Chance in the Desert: Building partnerships and solutions at Mojave River Dam
Connie Chan-Le and Henry Csaposs, USACE Park Rangers Los Angeles District California
Oak Creek Watershed Restoration Project: Pullouts, Protection and the Public
Elizabeth Munding, USDA FS NEPA Planner Coconino National Forest Arizona
Community Engagement and Collaboration for Exhibit Planning at Lowell National Historical Park
Emily Donovan, NPS Park Ranger Lowell National Historical Park Massachusetts
Forest Plan Revision Through Partnerships
Rachel Neuenfeldt, USDA Forest Service Partnership and Community Engagement Specialist Wayne National Forest Ohio
The Baileys Mountain Bike Trail System: Improving Communities Through a Collaborative Vision
Dawn McCarthy, USDA Forest Service Recreation Team Leader Wayne National Forest Ohio
Western Utilities Partnership: A Story of Forest Health, Regulation and Changing Paradigms
Evan Burks, USDA Forest Service Partnership Coordinator Pike & San Isabel National Forests, Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Colorado