Gravel Mining & ESA Salmonid Recovery: Collaboration in the Willamette River
Anne Mullan, NOAA Endangered Species Biologist National Marine Fisheries Service, West Coast Region Oregon
A Tale of Two Cities: Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnerships in New Haven, CT and Providence, RI
Cindy Corsair, USFWS Fish and Wildlife Biologist Southern New England-New York Bight Coastal Program Rhode Island
Utilizing Partners to Build Partnerships & Capacity
Danny McBride, USDA FS Regional Partnership Coordinator Intermountain Region 4 Utah
Friends of the Little Belts
Dave Cunningham, USDA FS Partnership Specialist Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest Montana
Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee: A Case Study of More Than 50 Years of Federal Partnership
David Diamond Executive Coordinator Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee Montana Additional resource: Take an Epic Journey with the Elk of Yellowstone, 30 min National Geographic Society video
Fishers and Farmers: Watershed Leaders Network
Heidi Keuler, USFWS Fish Habitat Biologist Fishers & Farmers Partnership Coordinator, National Fish Habitat Partnership Wisconsin
New Mexico Unit of the Central Arizona Project: An Arranged Marriage
Mary Reece, USBR Manager, Program Development Division Arizona
Community Collaboration: Bureau of Land Management Recreation Program
Edd Franz, BLM Outdoor Recreation Planner and Acting Manager Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area Colorado Additional Resources: John Crompton, 2008: Evolution and implications of a paradigm shift in the marketing of leisure services in the USA
Tracking Migrating Roseate Terns: Using Partners to Find a Needle in a Haystack
Susi von Oettingen, USFWS Endangered Species Biologist New England Field Office New Hampshire