Bringing Social Values to Wildlife Conservation Decisions
Sustainable conservation of wildlife is contingent upon the human context in which it occurs. Humans regularly exert a powerful influence on the survival and persistence of species, yet social-science information is used only sporadically in conservation decisions. Using data obtained from a survey of 46,894 US residents, we developed and applied a spatially explicit “sociocultural […]
America’s Wildlife Values: The Social Context of Wildlife Management in the U.S.
The purpose of the America’s Wildlife Values Project was to assess the social context of wildlife management in the U.S. to understand the growing conflict around wildlife management. It is the first study of its kind to describe how U.S. residents within and across all 50 states think about wildlife, and how changing perspectives shape […]
Amargosa Vole Recovery Team Partnership
Chris Otahal, BLM Wildlife Biologist Barstow Field Office California
Artificial Lighting at Night: What it means for bird conservation and navigating a path forward
Jo Anna Lutmerding, USFWS Biologist, Migratory Bird Program USFWS Headquarters Virginia
Paths to the Uplands Partnership
Sergio Pierluissi, USFWS Regional Partners for Fish and Wildlife Coordinator Midwest Regional Office Minnesota
Jaguar Conservation and Partnerships
Leslie Hay, USDA Forest Service Southwestern Region Wildlife Program Leader Southwestern Region, Regional Office New Mexico
Management Plan Development in the Sunshine
Sarah Barrett, Biological Scientist IV, Florida Black Bear Management Program Brie Ochoa, Species Conservation Planning Biologist III, Imperiled Species Management Plan Editor Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Florida
Minnesota Valley Trust and the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge & Wetland Management
Brooke Burrows, USFWS Wildlife Refuge Specialist Minnesota
Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee: A Case Study of More Than 50 Years of Federal Partnership
David Diamond Executive Coordinator Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee Montana Additional resource: Take an Epic Journey with the Elk of Yellowstone, 30 min National Geographic Society video
Bobwhite Aboard, Bobwhite Abound: Partnerships Taking Flight to Save a Species
Juliette Fernandez, USFWS Assistant Manager Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge