Tag: Climate Change

The Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) Framework, USGS

The Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework is a tool that helps resource managers make informed strategies for responding to socio-ecological changes. Ecosystems are transforming, with substantial shifts in ecological processes and important ecosystem services occurring at unprecedented rates. As systems approach socio-economic and ecological thresholds, our current management toolbox has proved to be incomplete for conservation and […]

Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team (BRITT)

Ali Weber-Stover, NOAA Natural Resources Management Specialist California Coastal Office Valary Bloom, USFWS Senior Fish and Wildlife Biologist San Francisco Bay Delta Fish and Wildlife Office California

Urban Forestry Climate Change Response Framework

Leslie Brandt, USDA Forest Service Climate Change Specialist Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, Eastern Region and Northern Research Station, Minnesota         Additional resources:  Climate Change Response Framework US Climate Resilience Toolkit