Partnership Impact Evaluation Guide (2019)
By Leigh Goldberg and Amy Mickel, Ph.D. The Partnership Impact Model™ includes the 11 Partnership Impacts, Scaling Up Partnership Impact, the Partnership Impact Roadmap, and the 7 Steps of Partnership Impact Evaluation. The 11 Partnership Impacts is a framework that explicitly highlights the collection of impacts that landscape-scale stewardship partnerships should consider when it comes […]
Generating, Scaling Up, and Sustaining Partnership Impact: One Tam’s First Four Years (2018)
By Leigh Goldberg and Amy Mickel, Ph.D. One Tam’s vision that we can do more for Mt. Tam together, working across boundaries, than we can alone was affirmed in the findings of a four-year (2014-17) independent study—Generating, Scaling Up, and Sustaining Partnership Impact: One Tam’s First Four Years—on the impact and value of partnerships. One […]
The Tamalpais Lands Collaborative Case Studies (2014-2017)
By Leigh Goldberg Public land agencies have collaborated for many decades, both informally and formally through inter-agency agreements, to share resources, equipment, staff, and information. Recently, we have seen an emergence of more deliberate partnerships with their own identities and priorities and a commitment to building durable relationships. Interest in partnerships is especially growing where […]
Unsheltered Homelessness in Parks and Protected Areas in Northern California
Jesse Engebretson, EPA Social Science Researcher Office of Research and Development Great Lakes Toxicology and Ecology Division Minnesota
Youth Workforce Development: Two Tribal Partnerships
Danielle Bauman-Epstein, USDA FS Program Specialist – Grants and Agreements Six Rivers National Forest California
Amargosa Vole Recovery Team Partnership
Chris Otahal, BLM Wildlife Biologist Barstow Field Office California
EXPRESS: EXpanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems
Heather Coleman, NOAA Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program Manager Office of Habitat Conservation, NOAA Fisheries Maryland
A Second Chance in the Desert: Building partnerships and solutions at Mojave River Dam
Connie Chan-Le and Henry Csaposs, USACE Park Rangers Los Angeles District California
Water Quality and Fisheries – Working with Tribes
Nina Hemphill, BLM Aquatic Habitat Management Program Lead California State Office
Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team (BRITT)
Ali Weber-Stover, NOAA Natural Resources Management Specialist California Coastal Office Valary Bloom, USFWS Senior Fish and Wildlife Biologist San Francisco Bay Delta Fish and Wildlife Office California